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Why are cognitive skills important for children?

Cognitive skills matter a lot. These make your child grow into smart individuals! 

Children are the future of every nation. Their growth and development should be of primary concern for all; parents, teachers and the society at large.

Parents should note that the preschool days are a period of tremendous growth for their children. During these first few years, they are undergo a large amount of change at a very fast pace as they learn to see the world through their own eyes. This is that crucial time of their lives when they need to acquire some fundamental skills. These core skills or cognitive skills, then, need to be developed for their success later in life.

The need to be able to speak clear and understandable short sentences is very important. If children fail to acquire this skill, they will find it difficult to become independent students. They will face difficulties in expressing their needs, asking and answering questions, and communicating their needs effectively in their peer group and with their teachers and parents. Developing the skills to communicate very early in life helps children in managing their relationships effectively as they grow older.

For laying the foundation of their ability to read and write, children must be encouraged to tell a story in a proper sequence. This is important because once they learn to relate an event in a proper order they will come to know the structure of stories that will, in turn, boost their ability to express more complex ides, thoughts and feelings. This ability will be very valuable for them in their future lives when they will need to present their thoughts and arguments in their later lives.

Children learn to understand the concept of what is more and what is less when they begin counting numbers from 1 to 10. This core cognitive skill is of utmost importance in making them realize the meaning of each number and their correct order. If children lack this core skill, they will not be able to make much progress in mathematics at a later stage.

Another core skill that needs to be developed at an early age is to be able to hear multiple steps in a process and follow directions. This skill is very important, as it and goes a long way in equipping children with the skills they need for their physical safety in their work lives, in laboratories or while baking a cake.

Last, but not the least, children are always fond of stories and the critical skill to differentiate between fact and fiction is also very important.  Development of this skill at an earlier age helps children in understanding the difference between real and fake news stories or an advertisement and an article.

Give children the skills they need and help them grow up as smart individuals.


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